Saturday, March 13, 2010

More Random Pictures!

Sorry, some more random pictures to help me get caught up!

Abbi got a new "princess" bed and her own room! It's so adorable, even Jack loves to sleep in it and read books in it!

It is officially Girl Scout Cookie season!

Bath Tub Buddies

We found some new friends at the park. He's such a ladies' Man!

Free Short Stack Day at IHOP! What a mess!

My Bathing Beauty and her new Towel Trick

Abbi started Preschool in January and absolutely LOVES it! I picked her up early the other day to go to the Dr. and she cried for an hour because she didn't want to leave! It's only 2 hours/day for 2 days/week. Just enough to keep her entertained and just short enough so I don't miss her too much. She is learning so much! She knows her right from her left and how to spell her name in Sign Language. She came home appalled the other day because the school didn't have paint brushes that day and she had to use her fingers!!!! Horrible for any 3 year old I know!
She is still my dress-up queen though and goes through at least 3 princess outfits a day.

She's even got little bro playing dress up too! Here is Jack as Buzz Lightyear.

And Super-Hero Jammie Jack!

Biggest fake cheezy smile you'll ever see!

He took his (wet) diaper off the other day and put it on his head. GROSS! One of his new favorite hobbies: being naked! (don't worry I Lysoled his head-JK)
Trying to put his diaper back on

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