Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Paul left for Minneapolis and Abbi went looking for Daddy in the front yard. Poor girl didn't find him!

Sleepy Shopper

Poor Abbi. She was so bored at Ikea she fell asleep!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Favorite Pics & Videos from Christmas...

Christmas was so much fun this year! We had family from So. Cal. and Texas at our house. It was so fun to have the kids' cousins there to play with. Here are some pictures of the fun we had...

Our heater was broken for a few months until Christmas Eve. It was so cold in the house that Abbi set up her own little bed on the fireplace to keep warm.

Somehow Jack got one of his legs out of his jammie leg and they were both in the same leg! My little contortionist!

This is Abbi's new cheezy smile! What a ham!

Baby Jack was so excited to see his cousin Carter and wrestle with him! (Jack left and Carter right)

Paul got me a Wii for Christmas and we got Rock Band too so we've been having fun playing it with the kids! I think the adults have more fun than the kids!

Aunt Hetie with Carter (left) and Jackson (right).

My littlest Angel

Our rowdy nativity. Jackson was baby Jesus.

We had to wake baby Jack up for Christmas Morning! Poor guy.

Soooo tired

Aunt Brandi & Jordan

Paul the Zombie

Baby Jack and Aunt Monnie

Thank you for my new Cinderella dress Grandma Raine!