Thursday, June 10, 2010

Birthday Party Invite

My baby boy Jackson turned 2 on May 30th. I know, bad mommy for not posting! Actually I'm an even worse mommy because I wasn't home on his birthday! I was at my brother's graduation in West Virginia! So I really totally missed his birthday! But, he's 2 and he doesn't know, so we celebrated it this week. He was born on the same day as 2 of his other cousins, Jordan and Janie. So we call it the triple J b-day. Jordan, Jack & Janie. So we had a big birthday party for all of them. Another cousin Carter was born 3 weeks after Jack so we threw him in there too! So quadruple Family birthday party at my house! Oh yeah, and let's put an awning in the same day as the party! Good idea right? The workers finished the awning just as the first guests were arriving! Well anyways, here are a few posts from the Toy Story Party Mania!

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